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Thread: Checking in on you ole coots.

  1. #1
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands)
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    Aug 2012

    Smile Checking in on you ole coots.

    Hope everyone is doing well. Sad news, Lamont passed away last year. Still have the other one. I'm fine and lost a LOT of weight. Spend most my time in my garden. Haven't been in the boat for 4 years. Still have the property and bought 5 more acres that butts up to the boundary line. Total 63 acres now. Still have bear, deer, coyoto's, cougar, turkeys etc etc. Even have a wild bunny now. My boys are doing well. Up to 5 grandkids that live close to me. Joey (Thump knows him) passed away almost two years now. Son Ken had heart attack and almost died. Has a defibrillator installed. My other son doing well. Other then that, same ole same ole. Just waiting for hell to break loose. I'm ready. Hope you all are too. As for this site: If you need $ let me know. If this site goes down, the only person I'd be able to get ahold of, would be Jim (Thump). Take care.
    Last edited by Sunshine; 06-26-2024 at 01:28 AM.

  2. #2
    pUMpHEAD SYSOp Thumper's Avatar
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    Mickey Mouseville, Florida
    Hey girl!!! So good to see you dropping in. Sorry to hear about the pup. Now I've forgotten his real name. Lamour maybe? Wasn't Lamont what P-hole called him? What the heck is going on with the boys? I think I still have a pic around here someplace of Joey sitting in my first Corvette (the green one?), so that's really going back a few years. In fact, I think Race Rock (where the pic was taken) has been closed for almost 20 years now (17-18 years I think?). Weren't the younger boys twins? What's with Ken's ticker? He's too young for that sort of thing! Have you and Dad patched things up, or are you still estranged? Heck, for that matter, is he even still with us?

    It's great to hear you still have the property and are still improving on it. Has hubby retired yet? How has all the b/s going on with Boeing affecting him? I think he was working on the 737 the last I remember. They've sure had their issues lately.

    I hope you'll stick around, We miss you around this joint.
    "Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness" - Mark Twain

  3. #3
    Administrator BarryBobPosthole's Avatar
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    Owasso, OK
    Hey there, Sunny! Sounds like life is rocking along! Sorry to hear about lamont. He was a good boy.
    Glad you checked in!
    Viva Renaldo!

  4. #4
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands) Chicken Dinner's Avatar
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    Occupied Virginia
    Nice to hear from you Blondie!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    "When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro." Raoul Duke

  5. #5
    Senior Member (too much time on their hands)
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    Aug 2012
    You all always called him Lamont, but it was Lamor. He was a three time Agility Champion. Really miss him. He was having seizures and the last one wouldn't stop. Tore my heart out having to put him to sleep. Told him he better be at the gate when I get there. Yep the boys had a lot of fun at Race Rock with you and Joey loved your corvette. As for Joey..drugs and diabetes were part of him passing. He had started cleaning himself up and adopted a kitten. He was living in a trailer and working on site. No drugs or alcohol found in the trailer. We think he had made the turn for the better, but his body was too far gone. When he was in a comma I was able to speak to him over a phone. His half-sister was holding the phone to his ear. I hope he was able to hear me and made it to heaven. As for Ken, yep too young for heart issues. I still feel the forced jab by his government job has caused it. He and his wife just a baby a year ago. After loosing the first one we all held our breath this one would make it and she did. Boy what a spit fire she is. Gunna have a lot of her grandma in her. He's trying to get his life back to normal. Can't use normal chainsaw or weedeatter. It interferes with the machine. Has to use electric stuff. It fires off many times a day, so it's keeping him alive. John has four kids now. No the ex and I do not communicate at all. Yes the boys were twins. Yes ex is still alive, but has cancer. Hubby has not retired, he could if he wanted. Yes Boeing is a mess. In my opinion China is trying to take Boeing business. Most the things you hear are actually the owner that bought the planes maintenance not being done correctly, but the news bashes boeing. The window blowing out was Boeing, so now tighter inspections are going on. Hope everyone is doing well. Hi BarryBob Posthole and Chicken dinner. Oh and chicken blonde has more gray now. LOL I have a huge veggie garden going. So spend a lot of time in it. I saw a 4 pt or 5 pt ,on each side of a deer, on the property camera today. Have a nice day tomorrow.
    Last edited by Sunshine; 06-28-2024 at 11:09 PM.

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