Friday afternoon we had a helluva thunder storm roll through here, along with a couple of VERY close lightning strikes. One sounded like it was right behind us and another sounded like it was right out front. The old flash of light and immediate thunder type deals with no delay between the lightning and thunder.

The second one made the lights flicker, the tv shut down and we lost internet. I rebooted the modem and router and all was good.

We were gone all day Saturday and Sunday. Today, I took the trash receptacle to the curb and noticed all sorts of leaves, big chunks of oak and long strips of oak bark lying in the front yard. WTF? I’ve seen this before and the first thing that came to mind was a lightning strike. I looked up toward the top of the oak tree out front and spotted the tell-tale sign. Lightning knocked the snot out’ta that thing! Now it’ll be a waiting game to see if it killed the tree (been through this a few times).

This thing was already looking poorly as a hurricane blew the top out of it a few years ago, now this.

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