*** To skip the "fluff:, scan down to the bold print ***

We're a dying breed here at G/H. There was a time, you could take a 1-day break from this place and when you checked back in, you'd have a couple hours of reading to catch up on the latest posts. Heck, I even remember the days we'd spread out and post here during the day, then run over to Mauserman's site to play at night. Through the years, many ... too many of us ... have either died oft (miss them all dearly), got pissed oft and runned oft and a few Commie turncoats have even dumped us altogether and runned oft to Facebook. Not much goes on here anymore, but it's still the first place I check into every day ... and 99% of the time, find the page hasn't changed since the last time I checked. Kind'a like a SLOW day fishing, ya' sit for so long without a bite, you start checking your bait every 10 minutes just to find out it's still there. Face it, you're just not getting any bites and the fish just aren't interested in what you're offering.

If I want a real smile and a few chuckles, I'll go back and read old posts. Some I never even remember seeing before, although I'd feel safe to say, I've read EVERY single thing ever posted on this site at one time or another. It's been that way for as long as we've been around, I read EVERY post here (but that does NOT mean I've commented on every one). When our old, original site shut down, everything vanished into cyber-space with it. I have to assume, the same will happen to this place someday. I've always heard, once something is posted on the Internet, it's there forever, but I haven't found that to be true. Heck, I have no clue where the "CLOUD" is or how to access it, but I know I have it on (in?) my iPhone, but I assume once I stop paying my bill, whatever is there (wherever "there" is) will disappear forever. When I look back on the OLD posts here, I'm always saddened a bit when I think this will all be gone someday. There have been times I've thought about an OLD post from the original site and searched for it, but it just ain't out there. I even dug around once to look for old posts from the old All Outdoors site .. they don't exist.

Well heck, I could go on forever. I guess it wouldn't matter much, because in reality, I'm REAL close to just talking to myself here these days, but maybe a couple of lost souls might drop in and wade through this rambling mess. Surely, nobody NEW will be dropping in. Months ago, I tried to pretend I was a newbie trying to register here ... nothing happened, but I found a link that said if I'm having trouble registering, click on it and "somebody" will help me. I clicked on it, but that was the end of it. Heck, I have no idea who that link even connects to! I kind'a thought it went to the Lenster, but he's so busy licking peckers and swallowing over on FB, he doesn't even know we exist! (Ha! That's just a test to see if he even reads anything here anymore)


Our site renewal is coming up in persactly one month ... 7/2/2024. In the old days, members could kick in a nickel apiece and it would pay our operating costs. Now, there are very few of us still kicking and I need feedback on whether to keep this site alive or not. If yes, it's time to solicit contributions to the kitty. I have no idea how much we need, I'll have to make a call to Go-Daddy to see if they can figure it out. The renewals are set up for automatic payment on my credit card and I don't know what the bill is until they get ready to charge me. HOPEFULLY the fees will be close to previous renewals, but if their rates are anything like groceries, they've gone up! Anyway, I've always promised transparency with our accounting and the books are open to anybody who wants to see them (printed receipts and donation figures), but I'll post what we have in the official G/H bank account, as well as the renewal costs from last year, just to give youse bozos an idea of what we're up against and let us make a decision as to whether or not to keep this place alive. NOTE: I did take Go-Daddy up on a "special offer" in 2023. I paid $89.40 for 5-years coverage with their Website Security Package, mostly because if we got hacked, I have no clue who here could fix the place. In the old days, Nandy and Co9 would help, so you get the idea as to how far back that goes. Len helped at one point, but he's busy with his second career as a rock star suffering from a mid-life crisis. If we got hacked, I think we'd be dead in the water, so I hope this helps. At any rate, that package is paid for until 2028, so no worries.

Our present bank balance - $19.90
G/H Domain Renewal 2023 -
Goodhunting.info - $34.99/yr.
Goodhunting.com - $21.99/yr.
Web Hosting (Go-Daddy) - $167.88/yr.

Total for renewals (LAST year's prices) - $224.86