I dunno Jimbo. I hate to see all of those things that people and governments and companies and teams are doing too. But I also think your doctor friend is sticking his head in the sand a bit. Or maybe its the same false bravado we see some public figures displaying?

The numbers of older people that it could (and I said ‘could’ not ‘would’) kill are staggering. Are we willing to risk that so we can have big weddings? Baseball season, basketball season? What message will we be sending our kids when grandma and grandpa are gone and werefused to change the way we do things and went to those soccer games?

I don’t like over-reaction either and I get the message he’s saying. I’ll just say I don’t know. There seems to be no real voice of authority in America that is telling us enough facts to know what really is the logical and effective thing to do. And IMO, its that uncertainty that’s why the stock market is doing what its doing and is why we’re startingto see overreactions right and left.