View Full Version : It's a beautiful day...

07-08-2024, 01:48 PM
... in the neighbourhood. A beautiful day and I'm feeling good. Thanks to Mr. Roberts.

Just got back from my daily walkies around the neighbourhood (sans dog but met a few favourites enroute) and realized how fortunate I am to live in such a beautiful place. We have the absolute best weather in all Canada, all the time - cool, wet winters with little to no snow and rarely below freezing to hot, dry summers usually accompanied with a cooling ocean breeze. Perfect for this old geezer.

Had some medical issues earlier this year that could have gone sideways but seem to be on the path forward for which I am extremely grateful. Gave me a new perspective on life. Appreciate all the small things that you may not have noticed before and worry less about the big stuff that you can't control anyway. Stop and smell the flowers, watch the birds, enjoy the simple pleasures. Onwards and upwards

quercus alba
07-08-2024, 03:17 PM

cool and drizzly here, perfect for a nap

07-08-2024, 03:25 PM
Oops, that would be Mr. Rogers. Creeping senility.

07-09-2024, 07:05 AM
I know what you mean about health changing your viewpoint on some things. Its certainly affected my life.

Especially the filters! In some areas I filter what I say a little more carefully. OTOH, I have a much lower tolerance for….bullshit. I just don’t have time for it!


07-09-2024, 08:19 AM
Been there, done that for sure. After “technically” being dead seven times within a couple month’s time, my outlook on life changed immensely.

For one, material things became MUCH less important. Before, I just couldn’t have enough “toys” and ended up with “stuff” that just became unimportant to me. I actually had to sell much of it off to get me through financially, until I could figure out how I was going to pay my bills, but once I got life figured out, I realized I really didn’t miss the stuff that much.

I’ve traded the “material things” for experiences. As an example, instead of a couple new guns, a boat, or a new 4-wheeler, we’ll take a vacation (I’ve fallen in love with cruising). Instead of sitting in a tree stand, I’ll spend that time with Lynn. Instead of heading to Canada to hunt bear, we’ll take a vacation TOGETHER. I’ll never forget the sacrifices she made while I was in the ICU hooked to tubes, hoses and wires and worrying about how she’d handle the mountains of “mess” she’d be stuck with if I didn’t make it through.

A few months back, I realized we needed to paint the house. I thought about it, then threw caution to the wind. We flew to Rome, spent time playing tourist, then hopped on a cruise ship to explore some new countries, then sailed back home. The house can wait for that coat of paint.

Maybe not the most responsible thing to do, but it’s working for us.

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07-11-2024, 11:47 AM
Glad to see you check in and even more so to hear things are going your way in the health arena johnboy!

And thanks for the reminder!!