View Full Version : Oh man! What a frigging train wreck!

06-27-2024, 11:18 PM
I watched the “debate” and almost feel sorry for Biden. After the debate ended, I started channel hopping for the analysis and even the talking heads on the most Liberal media outlets on the air had their jaws hitting the floor.

This country is in big trouble.

quercus alba
06-28-2024, 01:19 AM
It's easy to blame Trump or Biden or the republicans or the democrats or the MAGA people or the woke crowd or the media but in my humble opinion we've gone to hell as a nation and we keep voting these corrupt career politicians into office because they give us what WE want. We've lost empathy and respect for each other and despise any type of authority and that my friend is a recipe for disaster. Get a socialist government in place and we'll long for the good old days of the mean orange tweeter

Sow the wind and reap the whirlwind

06-28-2024, 07:22 AM
I've been saying, for a while now, that for the first time since I became of age, I may not even vote in this election. That goes against all my principles, but I can find zero reason why I should even expend the energy to lift the pencil. Last night's shit-show just strengthened my opinion. I almost felt sorry for Joe ... somehow, I kept imagining him as my dementia burdened grandfather and I wanted to rescue him ... just drag him off the stage and put him to bed. Then I had this vision of Joe keeling over and Kamala taking over the task of running the country! I thought at any minute, I'd wake up from that nightmare, then realized I'm already awake and this is reality. I had to laugh when I tuned in to the Liberal news outlets and the Biden campaign staff was in damage control mode, reporting that Joe "is recovering from a cold"! That's the best they could come up with to explain his miserable performance? I can't imagine how the Democratic party will be scrambling today. There are already rumors of them looking for someone to possibly replace Joe on the ticket. It was THAT bad and the Dems must be in panic mode after last night.

Ok, that should strengthen my Conservative self-confidence for voting a Republican ticket, correct? Not so fast ... Trump was strong, confident and his usual "I'm the greatest thing since sliced bread" self, but as usual, 99.99% of everything that came out of his mouth was self-serving bullshit. I'm not sure Mr. "I hate fake news" Trump has any clue what the truth really is. He seems to make up facts as he goes ... as long as those "facts" elevate his self-proclaimed greatness. After being asked multiple times (3 or 4?), he always avoided the issue and changed the subject when asked if he'd accept the election results if he lost. After the January 6th fiasco (which he blamed solely on Nancy Pelosi by the way), him not accepting the election results is a scary thought. He STILL claims the 2020 election results were "rigged".

Ok, watching Biden last night convinced me he's not physically or mentally capable enough to handle another 4 years. Trump is ... well, he's still Trump. I'm almost embarrassed to admit I voted for him .... TWICE ... in the past, but what were my options? As usual, I voted for the lesser of two evils, both times. THIS year? I just can't bring myself to chose EITHER of them. That brings me to Bobby Kennedy. Uhhhh, I can't even imagine going that route. I'm no better off now, than I was before this debate and am still strongly leaning towards not voting at all. I've got the choice of voting for one of three complete idiots ... why bother?

Chicken Dinner
06-29-2024, 01:19 PM
I’ll vote but it won’t be for either one of those assholes. You can call it throwing my vote away. But, we can’t keep playing along with either party’s BS and expect a different outcome.

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Chicken Dinner
06-30-2024, 09:33 AM
Can’t even stir the pot around here any more Thump…

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