View Full Version : Just finished doing something very rare for me

06-23-2024, 12:21 PM
I watch very little tv, but there are a few shows I try to follow. Example, I've been watching Gold Rush for years. What usually irritates me is, whenever a show becomes popular, the same network creates a bazillion spin-offs AND the competing networks copycat the popular shows and start cranking out their own version of the same thing, or something similar. The same happened with Gold Rush ... spin-offs and copycats galore. I'm still watching Gold Rush and have been from day one. I got simi-interested in Walking Dead when it came out, but they created a shit-load of spin-offs and it got so confusing, half the time, I wasn't sure which show I was watching. I quit watching over a year ago. I got buried into The Curse of Oak Island through many seasons, but they finally wore me down and I seldom watch anymore ... it just keeps dragging on and on and on. Find some frigging treasure already! My pet peeve with tv series type shows is the ridiculous Hollywood bullshit that almost ALWAYS gets thrown in. It ruins the show for me. Same with movies. Lynn can't stand going to a movie with me because all I do is sit there and pick out all the Hollywood crap and accuse Hollywood of assuming the general population has the IQ of a bowl of Jell-O. I walk out feeling personally insulted. She always tells me, "It's just a MOVIE!" But I can't stand feeling like Hollywood is treating me like a mentally retarded ..... ooops, sorry for not being p/c, I meant to say I feel I've been treated like someone with an "intellectual disability". Why is it, EVERY car that drives off a cliff, always explodes in mid-air? And to add insult to injury, it's always the PASSENGER compartment that explodes? Or the whole car, the doors, hood and trunk areas blow up simultaneously. How many car crashes has anyone witnessed where a car slams into another one and shoots up, rolling into the air like it was just launched out of a cannon (or from a ramp). I saw that happen on a show just yesterday and noticed as it spun through the air (in slow motion for "dramatic effect") that it had no transmission or driveshaft!

Shows that actually captured my interest and had me waiting every week for the newest episode? I got TOTALLY hooked on The Sopranos and absolutely loved the series. I also got totally on-board with Breaking Bad and, like The Sopranos, hated to see it end. Of course, they HAD to come out with a spin-off .... Better Call Saul, or something like that. As usual, I couldn't get into it.

The curse I have to endure now? We have quite a few "entertainment channels" (like NETFLIX, Disney+, Paramount+, Hulu, etc. etc. etc.) They're all free as a benefit from some membership or another ... credit cards, etc. (NO sports channels) We just have basic cable, but if some company gives me free premium channels, I'll take 'em! Lynn watches them ALL the time. Me? Almost never .... BUT, a few weeks ago I decided to check one out (Paramount+) and saw a show called SEAL Team. It piqued my interest, I checked out an episode and I was immediately hooked. For the past couple weeks, I've been binge watching, I don't have the patience to watch a regular show every week. I just get pissed to watch a show, get all engrossed in it, only to have it end with a "continued next week, stay tuned for a preview of next week's episode!" I just finished watching 6 seasons and 104 episodes of SEAL Team, only to find out ANOTHER season (7) starts this Fall! ARRRGGGHHHH! I thought the show had ended production and I'd be watching the complete series. Now I'm hooked and will have to not only wait for what's coming, I'll have to play that week-to-week, wait to see what happens game. This sucks!

That said, SEAL Team does contain it's small share of Hollywood b/s, BUT .. what makes it acceptable (to me) is what they do, is acceptable because it would be impossible to follow the show without it. I could give examples, but I'd bore you. Also, while binge watching, the show (missions) become somewhat predictable. I mean, you can't blow up your main stars, because they have to still be around for the next episode. After a while, you wonder if you're watching episodes of Superman ... but then again, I can live with it (which is saying a lot!).