View Full Version : Well damn!

06-19-2024, 09:17 AM
We had to take another one of our cats in to be put down yesterday and Lynn's been a basket case ever since. That's two in less than 2 weeks. One to kidney failure and this one to cancer. This one has been REALLY rough on Lynn as they were super attached to each other. He followed her everywhere she went and always slept curled up against her. He never left her side and was a constant companion. She'd rescued him from the streets downtown (his sister had already been run over by a car) and brought him home 16 years ago. He'll be sorely missed as he was really a cool cat, not to mention the emotional connection he had with Lynn. Funny, he was a stray, but once he came here, he never once tried to go back outside. He'd been there, done that and knew a good thing once he'd found it. I have to admit ,,, I kind'a miss the dude myself ... dog, cat, it doesn't matter, they have a way of becoming true family over time.

Big Muddy
06-19-2024, 09:28 AM
Feeling ya'lls pain and sorrow.....it never gets any easier.

06-19-2024, 09:48 AM
Thanks Muddy, and it's true, it does NOT ever get easier. I always have to handle these things, when the time comes, as Lynn becomes an emotional trainwreck and simply can't handle it. I'll have to admit, I usually get pretty choked up myself, but try not to let it show, if possible.

06-19-2024, 11:09 AM
You are spot on about how those critters can find a BIG place in our hearts and it is always tough when their time is up.

Sorry for your losses.