View Full Version : Dropping like flies lately

06-09-2024, 10:01 AM
I’ve got an old Army buddy whom I’ve stayed in contact with all these years. We didn’t talk that often, maybe every couple of months, but we’d be on the phone for probably an hour each time.

Scotty was from Louisiana (born and raised) and lived there all his life. He was also in Intel in the military and we had bungalows right next to each other when we lived in a small village in Thailand. We didn’t always have electricity, but when we did, I’d always hear the most God awful noise coming from his place.

One day, (the very early days before we knew each other well) I heard that racket going on and I remember walking over to his bungalow thinking he must be slaughtering a hog for a neighborhood pig roast (which we did quite often). I got there and discovered it was coming from his stereo!

I asked WTF all that noise was and he said, “That there is Cajun music buddy! The best music in the world!” Of course, my only response was, “THAT’S MUSIC??” While most of us were listening to Hendrix, etc, that crazy squeaky accordion stuff was ALL he ever listened to! Of course I spent the next 50+ years ribbing him about it.

Last year, Lynn and I took a road trip and drove to California to visit family. I talked to Scotty while there and told him, if our schedule works out on the way back home, we’ll make a detour when we go through Louisanna and visit. As it turned out, we passed through the area at around 3:00 am and the visit never happened.

This morning I awoke thinking of Scotty and realized it’s been ages since we talked, so I made mental plans to call him later today. But, “something” came over me and for some unexplained reason, I checked for an obituary and found Scotty passed away 8 months ago. Now I feel like shit.

Man, I can’t believe how many friends and family I’ve been losing lately. I’m guess I’m just “at that age”. If you have a friend or family member you haven’t talked to in a while, consider giving them a shout sometime soon.

I’ll miss our long talks buddy, but that shitty music you loved? Not so much! [emoji6]



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06-09-2024, 12:46 PM
There’s been a lot of loss in our circle of family and friends too in recent years. Its part of aging into the Great Actuarial Table inthe Sky I suppose. Sorry to hear of your loss, Jim. You guys went through a real experience together and that alone is a bond that lasts forever.
I guess its amessage to us all to make that call or visit when the opportunity arises!


Big Muddy
06-09-2024, 06:50 PM
Jim, even though you never made contact with each other, why not consider clicking on that link you posted, and signing his guest book, with a short narrative of you guy's friendship for his family.....my best military buddy passed away unbeknownst to me about a year, ago.....like you, I searched the obits, and found where he had passed away.....I signed his guest book, and left a short note for his family.....it sure made me feel a lot better.

06-10-2024, 09:33 AM
I plan on doing just that Mudward. I spent a lot of yesterday calling old buddies who knew him, and informing them. They all had the same reaction .... "DAMN! I've been meaning to call him because I haven't heard from him in a while". We get busy in our personal lives and things like this just keep getting put off until "tomorrow". Eventually, we end up feeling guilty when it becomes impossible for that "tomorrow" to ever arrive. Scottie was one of those guys who nobody DIDN'T like ... not a bad bone in his body.

Scottie was actually his nickname and referred to his heritage. This was his non-military uniform!


And here he is in his "civilian" uniform.


Big Muddy
06-10-2024, 11:33 AM
HA, I just gotta chime in about that first pic.....any guy who is THAT bow-legged has just gotta possess a great sense of humor and wear a big non-stop smile.

06-10-2024, 01:38 PM
Ha! I gotta admit, I’ve seen him in his skivvies (in the military), but never noticed it before. This is the first time I’ve ever seen him in a “dress”. ;)

I wonder if he was related to Johnboy?