View Full Version : Catlin Clark

quercus alba
06-05-2024, 10:23 PM
Now I'm not a fan of women sports, any of them. I have never watched a WNBA game in my life, nor women's hockey, I tried to watch softball a couple of times but I was bored stiff in a couple of innings. Now I know who Catlin Clark is, the media is trying to shove her down our throats whether we like or not but it appears she's a pretty good kid. She's already got three strikes against her 1) she's white and that's not kosher anymore 2) she's straight also not kosher and 3) she's getting a lot of attention which is also not kosher if you are either #1 or #2.

However it's obvious 99% of the black jocks of every gender are dogging her and wanting her to fail. I saw the highlight where she got cheap shotted the other night and while it wasn't a particularly a dangerous foul it was totally unnecessary and the league isn't going to stop it at the risk of being called racist. However, if I was her coach, I would have fined every last one of her teammates ten thousand bucks for standing there doing nothing about it. If you don't stand up for your teammates then I don't want you on my team and you won't be for long. Color be damned, if you cheapshot Michael Jorden then Charles Oakley was going to be standing on your face. If you cheap shot Isaiah Thomas then Jeff Mahorn was going to be standing on your face, if you cheap shot Larry Bird then the whole Boston team would be standing on your face.

She's never going to get a fair shake in this league and if I was her, I'd void my contract after the season, call out the commissioner and take my talent overseas and let the WNBA fade back into obscurity where it belongs

06-06-2024, 08:34 AM
A co-worker of my wife has a daughter that played with Clark at Iowa. There is no doubt that she is a great talent but there were issues in the locker room because of her attitude. Maybe that’s carrying over into the WNBA and that is why her teammates aren’t going after the other players when they do commit a hard foul on Clark. I saw one video where she ran into a pick that was set and she was knocked down from running into the other player so hard. She had a teammate nearby that saw what was coming and apparently didn’t let her know so she could slow up or adjust her positioning.

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Chicken Dinner
06-06-2024, 10:49 AM
I expect a certain amount of hazing for a rookie with her kind of hype. From what I’ve seen she’s pretty feisty at least verbally and that’s gonna get a reaction. You make a good point about her teammates though. On that particular play, I would have ejected the player who checked her. Hard fouls are one thing but that just wasn’t a “basketball” move.

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