View Full Version : Guilty pleasures

quercus alba
06-03-2024, 11:08 AM
Some of us who frequent here are of, shall I say of a mature and somewhat portly disposition. As a result of the afore mentioned malady we tend to have to deal with things like hypertension, diabetes and other similar afflictions not at all of our own makings. Therefore we are somewhat limited in our selections of fine cuisine/portion size. I, while not grossly overweight (5'10 and 235 lbs) am diabetic and have to be selective on what I eat. However, there are some things that I simply cannot resist regardless of what it does to my glucose levels. One is chips. Any type of chips. Another is banana pudding or a pecan pie. I usually do irreparable damage to my body when they're available.

What foods are some of your guilty pleasures?

06-03-2024, 11:46 AM
Pecan pie is on my list. I make a bourbon pecan pie every thanksgiving from a recipe that Trav gave me years ago that will make you slap your mama. My daily, almost daily, habit though is icecream. I’m an ice cream junkie. Currently on a Blue Bell Moolenium Crunch kick. Turkey Hill Tripolitan is up there in the top five as well. Yep, I havea top five ice cream list.


06-03-2024, 12:14 PM
I'm overweight (out of control, but stabilized at 295lbs at 6'2" originally, but shrunk down to ... I dunno, 6' - 6'1"ish?) and diabetic (so far, easily controlled with meds). I eat most anything that doesn't move (except green bell peppers) and have eaten a few exotic "foods" that were still moving. As for portion sizes? I dunno, let's just say, buffet owners get nervous when they see me pull into the parking lot.

My dessert weaknesses? Most anything to do with milk chocolate for one ... oh heck, I suppose if I tried to break it down, the list would be endless. I have a "terrible" sweet tooth.

06-03-2024, 02:23 PM
Ice cream is the thing for me. I do my best not to keep any on hand because if it's there, I'll eat it.

06-03-2024, 02:56 PM
I知 much the same with ice cream. But, to make matters worse, I値l do vanilla with chocolate syrup and a topping (usually chopped peanuts). My favorite topping besides peanuts? Crushed Butter Finger candy bars. If you ever try it, you値l be hooked for life.

Favorite candy bars? Snickers, Reeces Peanut Butter Cups, Butter Fingers, York Peppermint Patties and Milky Way.

I知 doomed. :(

06-03-2024, 03:24 PM
Thump, you must have been a big fan of the old Buster Bars when Dairy queens were on every corner.
Well at least out here anyways.


quercus alba
06-03-2024, 03:31 PM
You got the big part right

06-03-2024, 04:17 PM
My sister and brother-in-law make their own maple syrup so I always have the real stuff on hand. They even do some that is aged in bourbon barrels. That is even better than the regular maple syrup. It痴 also really good on plain vanilla ice cream.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

06-03-2024, 04:18 PM
Turning 80 in a few months, Doc says I'm in pretty good shape, but could lose about 40 lb's (6'-5" @ 255 lbs.) little heart problems, but that's about it.
I too love ice cream, usually have some in the freezer. Just plain old Vanilla, but need a bottle of Bailey's Irish Cream for a topper.

Big Muddy
06-03-2024, 07:29 PM
QA, I make my own homemade banana pudding, and it's to die for.....but, I use the recipe on the back of a package of Bud's Best Vanilla Wafers.....I think it was years ago, I stopped at a little country store on my way to turkey hunt with a buddy in Alabama, and on my way to pay at the counter, I just grabbed a package of them off the shelf without even looking at them.....later, after eating lunch on my turkey stand, I guess I was bored, and began reading the back of the empty wafer package.....I thought to myself, "Day'um, that sounds like a good 'naner pudding recipe".....pretty sure that original package is around here some place.....since that day, I've prolly fixed that recipe hundreds of times at home, and for family and community functions.....there's never even a thimble-full left over in my bowl.
And, they are made right there in Alabama:


quercus alba
06-03-2024, 10:15 PM
I love me some nanner pudding, that's what miscue fixes for my birthday instead of cake. I'm thinking about trying a chocolate one sometime

06-04-2024, 09:43 AM
My grandmother (mom's mom) and my mom made the best 'nanner puddin' known to man! I have no clue whatever happened to the recipe ... I'm not even sure there was one, I think it was all by memory.

It was the same with my all-time favorite and was always my personal request on my birthday ... otherwise, it was usually a Thanksgiving Day dessert (mom would always make two).

Lemon Icebox Pie! (it had a crushed Vanilla Wafer/butter crust) My sister makes one for me every time we go to Houston as she's the only one who's bothered to continue making them.

06-04-2024, 11:57 AM
Chocolate ice cream with crushed saltine crackers on top

Double stuff Oreos in milk

06-04-2024, 12:10 PM
Chocolate ice cream with crushed saltine crackers on top

Double stuff Oreos in milk

You ain’t right in the head.

06-04-2024, 12:40 PM
Trust me if you try the Chocolate ice cream with saltines you'll like it

06-04-2024, 12:53 PM
I知 with P-hole, but I値l stick to crushed Saltines in my chili. ;)